Nothing says spring to me like lilacs...we took a drive to Osoyoos yesterday, on the way back I found these wonderful lilacs so close to the road..Snip, snip went my pruners and into my drinking cup they went...there were white ones, dark purple ones, Japanese ones, lighter purple ones, planted long long ago...I call it judicious pruning. {having, exercising, or characterized by sound judgment : discreet.} They smell heavenly.

Hi there almost neighbour! Do you have lilacs in the Okanagan already? Wow, lucky. Here in Vancouver they are only just thinking about blooming. I have a very new one which won't bloom this year. My daughter lives in Kelowna so I'll ask her to bring some next week when she visits.
They are soooooooooooo beautiful!
Love the scent and flowers of a lilac bush ... waiting for mine to start to bloom ... !!! Beautiful pictures ... !! xoxo
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