

Happy 9th Anniversary....for March 21

Happy Anniversary, Laurie and Shane, for March 21/07. We are sorry that we weren't able to connect with the two of you yesterday in Australia, but we hope you had a great day together. Where have the 9 years gone? I think this photo was taken when you were in either Peru or Chili or Argentina, world travellers that you are. We miss you and hope to see you one day soon. As you can see, we were only 4 days late in this greeting. Blame it on our travel schedule....

Update from Laurie: The photo was taken in Argentina and the glacial capped mountain behind us is the tallest peak in South America Mt Aconagua.

Laurie, a special hug and kiss from your Dad 0x0x0

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the anniversary wishes. The photo was taken in Argentina and the glacial capped mountain behind us is the tallest peak in South America Mt Aconagua.