

Tales from the Journey..

I keep a record of all of our trips...mostly for the enjoyment of it all but in the long run, I win allot of bets with Jim because of the records that I keep....The IPOD and phone are never far away during the drive.
Cookie was either sleeping or checking out what Jim was eating and didn't he want to share with her???? Of course he did!!!

Getting back into the groove of our BC home but boy is it ever cool here compared to AZ..

Safe travels to my Ya Ya's as they leave AZ tomorrow to head back to BC

A passport, as I'm sure you know, is a document that one shows to government officials whenever one reaches a border between countries, so the officials can learn who you are, where you were born, and how you look when photographed unflatteringly.
~Lemony Snicket


Happy Day Lady said...

Hi Dagmar! Again - welcome home! Guess you've gotta get out those pretty sweaters eh?
It is amazing to me all you gave accomplished and enjoyed in a few short months - wow!
I love the 4pic tableau of your journey too - I am so glad Dagmar that you and Jim can enjoy all these rich experiences - however you know we "lend" you stateside - but now you're back!! So you'll be shinin' here again!

hippo chick said...

I love the Lemony Snickett quote about the passport picture. Isn't that the truth? I had red hair in my last passport pic. Ten years can't pass quickly enough for me.

Glad you're getting settled in.
We're in Omaha, Nebraska tonight. I'm sooo ready to be home.

~hippo hugs~