

A little holiday cheer...

Out shopping/looking in Anthropology and Pottery Barn...nothing came home with me...but it is always fun to see the displays....I hope some of your gifts will be handmade....I often think I cherish those ones the most....


koralee said...

That is my favourite store my are lucky to have one so close. I came home with so much from the Seattle store.
Wishing you a wonderfully blessed Christmas...thank you for all your sweet friendship. My parents come tomorrow so my days will be busy and full..not sure how much blogging time I will get in.. Hugs to you.

Unknown said...

I am so impressed that you resisted the temptation! I love visiting the Pottery barn stores when I am in the States, unfortunately it is still one of the stores we don't have here yet!!! so I enjoyed your tour! Merry Christmas, Simone.