

November 18

This day will always be such a special day for our sister Evelyne was a perfect stem cell donor match for our brother Harry who was diagnosed with leukemia. One year later he continues to make an amazing recovery. Harry and his wife Jill welcomed two granddaughters into their lives this past year..his future looks so happy and bright..we are all thankful as a family for this wonderful gift that Evelyne was able to give to Harry....thanks to all of you who have asked over this past year how he is doing, your thoughts and prayers were so appreciated by our whole family.❤

Harry with little Miss Colby dressed as a lady bug for Halloween..She was born April 6 and little Miss Halle born September 18.


Christa said...

Gifts for the family all the way around ... Harry's health ... loving family ... and two beautiful granddaughters ... to love and be able to watch them grow ... !!! xoxo

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Oh my gosh! When I saw the little ladybug a big smile spread across my face. So very cute! I'm glad to hear your brother is doing well. My cousin's step-daughter was diagnosed with leukemia a couple of months ago -- she has 3 young boys so it is very hard for the family right now. Continued health and blessings for all, Tammy

Margaret said...

What a joyous post, I'm so pleased for you all! Mx