

Desk ...

This desk area was featured in this month County Home magazine, and we decided that it would be a great project for the desk in the guest room. Jim is going to build it and hopefully I will have a similar photo to post when it is all done....I will keep you posted on the progress.
Sunny here this week, but it has turned cool for down here at this time of the year, although I am not complaining. I watch the Canadian weather daily, brr, it is surely cold in some provinces.

Christa will be here on Tues, yeah!


I remind my self daily, this is my life, pay attention, make it sparkle!!!!

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camport said...

Yeah! We'd been enjoying trips to the park in short sleeves and then BAM, it's cold again. But, like you said, it could be worse.

My mom's coming on Tuesday, too! Maybe we could meet up at the airport! HA! Her flight is coming in around 4, I think.


hippo chick said...

I met some folks in the local restaurant who had just come back from Phoenix and said it was cold there. But they commented on the sunshine which we see very little of here in Upstate NY. I am counting the "sleeps" until we fly out to Las Vegas.

I love the desk idea. Looking forward to the finished product.