

Just have some fun....

It is a busy season..lot of things we think we have to do, take a big deep breath, pick up some pencil crayons and just go color! Things will still get done....maybe hand color a special Christmas card. Have a happy and joyful and colorful weekend❤


Tammy said...

I was just thinking this is not the right time of year for me to be making a rug. :) It is taking so much time. Gosh, I don't know how folks work on rugs that take years to complete. That would drive me bonkers! We have two more weeks before our winter break. No plans for travel. We will likely go to Sri Lanka again when we have some days off the end of February. Last weekend my husband was going on and on about something, getting on my last never and I shut my other laptop too hard which is why I had to get a new one. Actually, he went and bought the new one for me. :) I much prefer the other one -- it was a mini HP and this Compaq he bought feels like a big monstrosity. But what to do - I'm getting used to it, but don't have all the bookmarks and history that were in my other one. I can still get to them as the laptop still works -- just need to find the time. Hope you are having a good weekend. Time for me to hit the hay -- back to school tomorrow. Weekends are never, ever long enough. Best wishes, Tammy

Christa said...

I was colouring with icing and sprinkles on the Christmas cookies this weekend ... that's as close as I will get with colouring right now ... so enjoyed it ...!!! xoxo