

Taking a photography course...

My quest for learning continues.

On Monday I take an online photography course called


I am a big fan of Emily Quinton.


of her blog and her photographs.

Her work is beautifully styled, her subject matter

of floral compositions aligns with my taste.

All photos will be taken with my iPhone and posted to my

Instagram account.

These two are mine below, gathering my props to enhance
my photos.




sage and spirit said...

What a great course! Looks like you are well on your way to becoming a pro!

Country Gal said...

The main thing to photography is just have fun with it now a days there is so much that can be done with photos and there is so many different types and styles of photography to . Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

Christa said...

I know you will enjoy every moment with this course. The photos are beautiful. Have fun creating sweetie. xoxo