Happy Sunday, hope yours is filled with sunshine, love and joy❤ Jeremy sent me these photos taken at Julie's grandmother's 100 birthday taken last month in Victoria...how wonderful.
Collecting vintage china and selling it is more difficult than I thought...I love going into my craftroom and just seeing it stacked on the shelves..however, I did buy it so I could sell it in my picnic baskets..seems I am drawn to pink and pastel..who can resist such beauties?
Today's lunch is from the summer issue of Martha Stewarts magazine..I always try and take time for lunch, I love food and eating it sitting down at a table with a few flowers, just makes every taste better. Treat yourself, sit down, enjoy the pleasure of your food and the moments that surround you. You are worth it.
At this time of the year, the lavender is blooming in many of the gardens here in the Okanagan. It is wonderful to see and smell this easy growing plant..beautiful to look at, easy to grow and maintain as well as one of the most fragrant plants you can have in your garden. I have started to harvest and dry mine..here are few photos I took of the process.....lavender sachets will soon be made..
I made this little bunny for my dear friend Frosso, she choose the name 'Nella' as it is a shortened form for little female rabbit in Cyprus. I get to give it to her when she and Robert stay overnight here in a couple of weeks. She was fun to make, with material I already had around in my craft room. Years ago I had found this exquisite piece of crochet, a little collar I think, it was the perfect thing for little Nella. I even found a pink bunny button in my collection..complete with a green crocheted trim on her bloomers, she will be ready to make Frosso smile!
This week I have been re-arranging my craft room, a wonderful space where I can play and plan a rainy day project..my love for globes and maps continues. I am hoping to add a few more small globes to my collection..old suitcases, globes, maps, the decorating possibilities are endless.
A wonderful hike with a good elevation climb of 300 feet left the legs a bit wobbly and the lungs needing more air but the hiking poles really helped and the views were stunning..The 2 mile hike has much to recommend it as the forest fire in 2011 has left the forest floor carpeted with fire weed and other grasses and plants. The trail is very well maintained as they have removed any of the dead trees nearby by..fenced in lookouts give you a dramatic view of this torrent of water rushing thru the canyon floor..not for the faint of heart to to look down 300 feet. As we hiked over another bridge, climbed up 42 stairs with a few well placed landings, we came to rest on a huge tree that had fallen years ago, conveniently placed in a shady spot along the trail..150 more stairs down still gave you a good cardio workout until you reached the parking lot. We continued out drive along the lake to Fintry Provincial Park where we enjoyed a well deserved lunch right in the water. It was a pretty wonderful way to enjoy our day.
Imagine my surprise when Jim told me there were 2 deer walking up our street..we have seen them on the golf course but never so close to the house..they went and just waited at our mail box...maybe they were eyeing the roses or expecting a parcel? While I was taking this photo, I was delighted to find out that my new IPod Touch has a built in flash, who knew? Here are a few of our neighbors stunning roses.
Such a sweet time in the garden, after days of rain, the first day of summer is not like very summer like...thankfully, sunny weather is in the forecast..
Jim kindly finished building up the last shelves in my craftroom. ( after the beer fridge got moved into the garage) I will use these shelves to see what I have to sell, stage it, rearrange it and photograph it..a good space to have, I am very thankful for Jim's building skills and his willingness to make my craft room perfect for me....Thank you Jimmy.
My sweet niece, Kari, sent me these photos of my Mom's peonies blooming in her garden. Kari and Rob bought and renovated our family home..they have done such a lot of work and made it into a new home for them..We will get to see all the improvements they have made in August when we go home for a wedding..I have asked her to give me a few cuttings so I can have these sweet flowers blooming in our garden here..the circle of life continues...
I always find it amazing that when I go to my favorite thrift shops, a sweet find is waiting just for me. A few days ago, I found these crocheted pieces inside the yarn..as well as this completed cross stitch deer with her fawn for $1.50. I will make these into something, maybe frame the deer or make it into a pillow..someone spent a lot of love and energy crafting these sweet finds..I often think of these women and wonder who they were and how their work ended up in a thrift shop.....I hope they lived a good long life.
All 5 of the bunnies now have bloomers and capelets...ready to be adopted out...I bought some more white cotton work gloves to make the bloomers and I used the crocheted flowers and granny squares to make the capelets..here is how a few of them turned out.
May all the father's spend time with their children today, maybe is not always possible in person, but by phone, IM, FaceTime, Skype or text. To all of us who father's have passed on, I hope they know they will always stay in our hearts!
Found this lovely watercolor for a couple of dollars last week at the thrift..looks wonderful with my pink McCoy vase, a sweet little bird as well as the doilies.. have a wonderful weekend.
Dear Cindy, you have seen her because I was busting with joy that I just had to show you, you helped name her, now "Consuella" will soon be on her way to you...She knows she might be cool in Nelson, so a little caplet is all she is waiting for. I hope she makes you smile as often as she did while I was hand sewing her...I had to wait until we found some thrifted fabric together in Nelson for her to come to life...The other 4 bunnies are having a goodbye party for her before she leaves....they will miss her..❤
Taking a page out of "The Farm Chicks" show, I find it so interesting the way the vendors create some of their displays..Displays sell ideas as well as selling their goods. All thru the two days, you see the displays changing as items are sold and replaced. Here are a few of the ones that caught my eye.